Unique Characteristics :

Classes in Phylum Arthropoda:

-Class: Chilopoda (centipede, Scolopendra sp.)
-Class: Arachnida (Spider, Nephila sp.)
-Class: Merostomata (Horseshoe crab, Tachypleus sp.)
-Class: Insecta (Grasshopper, Valanga sp.)
-Class: Crustacea (Giant Freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium sp.)
-Class: Diplopoda (Milipede, Julus sp.)

Scientific Name: Scolopendra sp.
Class: Chilopoda
Phylum: Arthropoda

Kingdom: Animalia
Common Name: Centipede

Scientific Name: Nephila sp.
Class: Arachnida
Phylum: Arthropoda
Kingdom: Animalia
Common Name: Spider

Scientific Name: Tachypleus sp.
Class: Merostomata
Phylum: Arthropoda
Kingdom: Animalia
Common Name: Horseshoe crab

Scientific Name: Valanga sp.
Class: Insecta
Phylum: Arthropoda
Kingdom: Animalia
Common Name: Grasshopper

Scientific Name: Macrobrachium sp.
Class: Crustacea
Phylum: Arthropoda
Kingdom: Animalia
Common Name: Giant Freshwater prawn

Scientific Name: Julus sp.
Class: Diplopoda
Phylum: Arthropoda
Kingdom: Animalia
Common Name: Millipede


  • Unlike vertebrates, arthropods don't have internal skeletons, but external skeletons. Exoskeletons composed largely of the protein chitin (pronounced KIE-tin). Chitin is tough, but not quite tough enough to hold its own in a millions-year-long evolutionary arms race.

  • At least once during their lifetimes, all arthropods have to undergo "ecdysis," the moulting of their shells to allow for change or growth. Usually, with only minimal effort, any given arthropod can shed its shell in a matter of minutes, and a new exoskeleton usually begins to form within a couple of hours.